Visiting with a Friend
Jeff's good friend Clifford came for a visit this February. Together, they explored northern AZ, enjoying each other's company and the stunning terrain.

Did you know that northern Arizona is a geologically active volcanic region? The most recent volcano erupted less than 1,000 years ago. You can easily visit the area as a day-trip from Origins B&B - see Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument.
This view reminded Jeff of the island of Hawai'i (except for its pine trees).

Ancient Americans were here at the time of that last volcanic eruption, and presumably re-settled the area to take advantage of the enriched soil. This view is of Wukoki Pueblo, a few miles north of the Sunset Crater, which can easily be visited on the same day-trip. Note the snow-covered peaks off in the distance; these are the San Francisco Peaks just north of Flagstaff (and formerly one of the tallest mountains in North America ... until that mega-volcano blew its top some 550,000 years ago.
Visit Wupatki National Monument to enjoy the stunning views from three different ancient pueblos.

Though there likely were fields of crops in the near distance, this would have been the view the Ancients enjoyed from the Wukoki pueblo, looking westward.

Here is a view of the primary pueblo, Wupatki.

Jeff & Cliff also visited Sedona! Here is a view of Cathedral Rock, from the Red Rock Loop Rd.

A juniper-framed photo of Courthouse Rock:

Happy friends, Jeff & Cliff!
