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Snow Day!

Jeff Raible

We often are asked whether it snows here. Well....

Snow covers the ground, walls and Origins Bed & Breakfast sign in front of the house.
Origins Bed & Breakfast on a Snow Day

The late-January storm provided us lots of excitement! Seeing white outside is a special treat.

Here is this morning's view toward the Black Hills which are hidden by snow clouds.

Fountain in foreground, bare tree in midground, and houses on the bluff in background, all covered in a light snow.
Fountain and snow-covered everything.

Here is the back of the house. Beautiful white snow outlines the house's architectural features.

Back of the house, showing patios' railings, walls and pareapets highlighted by snow.
Back patios outlined by snow.

Looking toward the Verde River, the back yard is blanketed in white.

View from a covered patio, with snow-covered yard in foreground and snowy hills in the distance.
White blankets backyard grass and rocks.

The storm clouds arrived earlier this week, dropping snow on Mingus Mountain days before it arrived at our home. Here is their cold, angry beauty:

Snow-covered mountain in the distance, with dark grey clouds partly obscuring its view.
Storm clouds partly hide Mingus Mountain.


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5180 E Comanche Dr, Cottonwood, AZ

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