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Reseeding Native Plants near Tuzigoot

Jeff Raible

Karen and Jeff volunteered to help regenerate native plants along the Verde River near the ancient pueblo ruins known as Tuzigoot ("crooked waters" in Apache), which was built upon a hill that rises from the floodplain of the Verde River, just 20 minutes from Origins B&B in the town of Clarkdale.

View of a hilltop covered in rock walls which trace the rooms of the ruin known today as Tuzigoot.
View of Tuzigoot, from area we dispersed Seed Balls.

The National Park Service regularly holds Seed Ball dispersal events at local National Monuments (Tuzigoot, Montezuma Castle & Well), to reintroduce or strengthen the presence of native plants, which also benefits native wildlife.

Six individuals, wearing hats and clothing to protect from sun, are gathered in a field around tubs on portable tables, mixing dirt, compost and seeds with water.

Here is a photo of our group of volunteers making Seed Balls (a combination of dirt, water, compost and native plant seeds).

It was a warm, May morning, so we are working in the shade of some Mesquite trees.

Why we didn't enjoy the greater shade of the Cottonwoods seen in the background, I do not know.

Here is a photo of the field that we reseeded. It had been cleared of most non-native plants a season earlier. And, yes, that's Tuzigoot in the background.

A field of dry grasses and several small mesquite trees, with a course of green trees (along the Verde River) in the background. Further back is the ruin of Tuzigoot, on a hill.
Field to be regenerated with Native Plants

As we walked back from the field to the ruins, I took a snapshot of the Verde River floodplain as seen from near the ruins. In this area of relatively wide and flat land, earlier inhabitants - whom we call the Sinagua - farmed this area extensively.

A wide expanse of wild, green trees and bushes - nurished by the Verde River - are bounded by scrub desert hills in the fore- and background.
Verde River Floodplan

A warm, dusty, but ultimately enjoyable morning! We were pleased to aid this effort to conserve our beautiful environment.


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