Grand Canyon Day Trip
Updated: Sep 10, 2022
Grand Canyon Village (at the South Rim) is just 2.5 hours from Origins B&B. Several of our guests have enjoyed day trips there. This year, in early August, we decided to take our own day trip (no guests were with us) to hike the Hermit Road Trail from the Village westward to Hermit's Rest, an 8-mile hike along the edge of the Rim. It was a beautiful, warm day.
This illustrates the route we took, from the Village (Bright Angel Trailhead) to Hermit's Rest. The Hermit Road Trail hugs the edge of the Canyon, not far from Hermit Road itself.
Half way through, Karen still looks good!
Notice how muddy brown the Colorado River is! Recent rains flushed soil into the River, which carried its cargo toward Lake Mead. In the foreground is a bristlecone pine tree, sporting a beautifully gnarled trunk.