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Committed to Your Well-Being: Health Safety Protocols


*** UPDATED JUNE 2023 ***

We are committed to protecting all who visit Origins B&B.  This commitment includes not just physical protection, but also protection against food-borne illness, information loss, and the transmission of pathogens such as COVID-19.


This nation's declaration of a public health emergency, due to COVID-19, expired on May 11, 2023.  While transmission still occurs (e.g., approximately 1,000 COVID-19–associated weekly deaths were reported in early April 2023), deaths from COVID-19 are largely preventable through receipt of updated vaccines and timely administration of therapeutics.


We no longer require the use of masks.


Here is a summary of activities and devices that we have implemented to help protect you - and us - from COVID-19 and all other transmissible diseases.


  • Facial Coverings
    Feel free to wear a mask at all times.  Your hosts are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and influenza, but will wear a mask when our Yavapai County's COVID-19 New Hospital Admissions Rate is HIGH.

  • Hand Washing & Sanitizing
    Hot water circulates to all water faucets, so you will always have instantly hot water to wash your hands. You will also find hands-free dispensers of hand sanitizer in many locations around the B&B.  And as we prepare and present your breakfast, we follow AZ food-handling guidelines, which includes proper hand sanitation.

  • Room Cleaning
    Our enhanced cleaning protocols use UV Sterilization between guests, to ensure that all areas within a room are sanitized.  This process uses a machine that emits UV-C light to kill bacteria and viruses.

  • Laundry
    Our laundering facility uses Ozone to clean bedding, towels and robes.  Electricity is used to split oxygen molecules, turning O2 into O3; infused into water, this Aqueous Ozone is used to sanitize, clean and kill 99.999% of harmful bacteria.  (It quickly reverts back to its original form of oxygen.)
  • Touch-free Environment
    We provide a touch-free experience whenever possible; when we cannot, we sanitize between guests using sanitizing solutions or copper-infused fabric.  (Copper is a natural antimicrobial agent.)

  • Guest Room Air Circulation
    Each guest room has its own mini-split air conditioning unit, and is segregated from the main house by a (stylish) exterior door with close-fitting seals - which means that air is not distributed from one guest room to another.  You can rest comfortably in your room, knowing others' germs are not entering your space.

  • Social Distancing
    Our house is BIG, with lots of room to relax in.  Guest rooms are 500-700 sqft, with room to lounge.  Each room has its own private patio or deck, with more room to lounge. 
    Our property is BIG, totaling 4.5 acres, with over an acre of landscaped yard, where you will find several seating areas from which you may enjoy the great views.  Guests may also gather around the fireplace in the spacious patio just outside the Great Room.
    At Breakfast, we seat couples/groups separately, at least 6 feet apart.  Dining in one's own bedroom or patio is also an option!


We will communicate any safety protocol updates as they arise.

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© 2024 Origins Bed and Breakfast

5180 E Comanche Dr, Cottonwood, AZ

Friends of the Verde River
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